Woodworker’s Guild

Woodworker’s Guild

Leadership: Ed Hoxsie, Guild President; Penny Mace, Secretary

The Tavern Woodworkers Guild was established in 2008 under the sponsorship of the RH/HT Foundation Inc.

The primary goals of the Guild are education and supporting the mission of the Tavern. 

  • Support the education of members through organized instruction and shared experiences.
  • Maintaining a woodworking shop and equipment for use by the members.
  • Exposing the public to the art and science of woodworking through demonstrations and instructional classes.
  • Making woodworking creations for sale at Farmers Markets and the Tavern Gift Shop.

Any person interested in woodworking may become a member.  Participation in meetings and events sponsored by the Guild are critical to the success of the organization.

The Guild maintains a period woodworking shop in the lower level of the Carriage House which is open for display during Farmers Markets and demonstration sessions for local students.  There is also a well-equipped, modern shop maintained upstairs for members. Regular member meetings are generally off-site on Wednesdays.

Example activities of the Guild include:

  • Participation in Grandparents Camp where children are mentored in a simple woodworking project.
  • Donation of turned bowls to the Empty Bowls fundraiser for food related charities.
  • Recent Guild projects include making wood shaker boxes, a variety of turned items, birdhouses, bat houses, and kennel stands for the SPCA.
  • Public spindle and bowl turning classes.

For questions about membership, meetings, activities and public classes, please contact the Guild at HeathsvilleTWG@gmail.com.

Experience history and local artistry at Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, where tradition and creativity come together.