Scholarship Fund

Tavern Scholarship Fund

Rice’s Hotel / Hughlett’s Tavern Gives Out Scholarships

In 2024, two seniors graduating from Northumberland High School received scholarships from Historic Rice’s Hotel / Hughlett Tavern in Heathsville.

Checks were given out at Senior Recognition Night, held April 29, 2024 at the Northumberland High School. Tavern Director Corinne Becker presented each recipient with $2000, which will be used for college expenses.

2024 Scholarship winners included Nathalie Biddlecomb and Casey Dawson.

Education is part of the Strategic Plan for the Tavern Foundation, not only on-site programs and events but helping local area students. Please help us continue this community effort by donating to the Tavern Scholarship Fund. Help young adults believe in the dreams that a college education can bring.

Experience history and local artistry at Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, where tradition and creativity come together.